
mixed stocking


300 x 120x 95 cm + sump + frag tanks

4000 liter

1055 gallon


Korallenzucht Pohl

Owner: Falk Keilerbart

After 12 years of experience in this hobby

it is always best to do nothing. What comes by itself also goes again alone, as long as one has his aquarium every day in the eye. Falk already recognizes by the color of various corals what they are missing.


4 x 4x80w ati Powermodule

4 x Phillips Coral Care

2 x Panta Rhei Hydro Wizard ecm 63 mit Flowexpandern auf 150.000l Laminare Strömung pro Pumpe

2 x Tunze Turbelle 6255

2 x Red Dragon Speedy 8,0m3

1 x Sonderbau Zeovitreaktor 12l

1 x Deltec Custom Made Skimmer 7000i

1 x Deltec Cleaning System 3070

The whole aquarium was brought into the room in one piece one piece

Falk built it out of cardboard before ordering the tank, for finding out what’s the largest size for the aquarium, fit through the door.


What was the measurement data on the day of our visit?

Kh: 9

Ca: 460

Mg: 1550

Po4: 0,1